Old and New

Posted on September 24, 2021 by psu

The computer programming industry is one that is full of apparent contradictions. On the one hand, over the last forty years or so we have seen consumer computing evolve from a hobby that engaged a few tens of thousands of people into an industry that has almost literally put a stupid computer into every single aspect of our lives. And often that stupid computer is hooked up to a giant world wide network of other stupid computers, amplifying the stupid exponentially. The evolution has been so drastic that if you could travel back in time and tell any computer nerd in the 80s what a pocket computer would look like in the 2020s you’d get put in a hospital for the mentally ill.

On the other hand, when you abstract away enough of the details, computers these days are almost exactly the same as they were in the 80s. Just more. You have a CPU, some memory, some mass storage, a network connection, and a pretty cool graphical user interface.

Tools for programming the dumb machines have also retained a very similar structure. There are a collection of compilers that translate code in higher level languages to binary machine code. There is a build system to mash all the machine code together in the right order. There is a debugger that never quite works.

To the pessimistic soul it might seem as if nothing has changed and that we have created very little new in the last forty years. Being a pessimistic soul I have some sympathy for this point of view. In fact, earlier this year I even went through an exercise for an article I never wrote where I cataloged a few dozen ideas that I called “cults” because of the unbridled enthusiasm with which they were sold into the technology industry by their adherents. The pessimist in me could not help but snark at the optimists from the past:

  • Structured programming: If you write programs in small blocks where GOTO is not allowed, everything will be much better.

  • LISP: Enough said.

  • The Object cults: OO Languages, databases, patterns, OO Design, etc: Trying to bring the joy of LISP in the 70s and 80s to the corporate programming salt mines of the 90s.

  • AI: This has risen and died multiple times. The current moar brute force gradient descent craze is the latest cycle.

  • The Free Software Cults: Turns out these folks were mostly a bunch of jerks.

  • Client-Server/OORPC/Middleware: This is how computers on networks talked to each other before HTTP.

  • Web, Web 2.0, Web Mobile: The Internet is the best place to deploy software. Oh except it’s actually the worst.

  • Process cults, most recently Agile: If you just follow this simple state machine of rituals software becomes easy. Well … no.

  • The Type Theory Cult: I have talked about this before. Very useful for certain things. No silver bullet.

  • The Silicon Valley Bro-Nerd Myth: Turns out these guys were mostly jerks too.

And on and on.

I am of course being maximally unfair. All of the cults above actually embody the kernel of a good idea. They are also all infected with the one true nerd idea that ruins everything: If it works well for me, it should generalize and work well for you too. But, this is in fact never true. Or rather it’s only true if you decide that you can ignore the details of each unique situation when you go in and start bashing your solution hammer. In software this is the one thing you cannot do, because the whole world is in the details. As we all know from reading our Fred Brooks, the complexity of software is essential, not incidental. You can’t just abstract them away without losing the ability to solve part of the problem.

I never managed to write the full article about all the technology cults that I have tried to ignore over the years because in the end I realized that aside from some small bits of pithy snark I had nothing else interesting to say about them. All that you can say is that they all missed the point about not ignoring essential details, which is why they don’t really work out, and move on with your life.

I think the flip side of this story is more interesting though. It is easy and lazy to decry the software industry as ultimately shallow and empty because at a high level it seems like the tools we are using now are the same as we were using in the 80s (and maybe even the 70s). It’s easy to read, say, the Xerox Smalltalk papers, or the Lisp Machine papers, or the Xerox (again!) Cedar papers 1, and wonder about what grand new tools could have evolved from that basis instead of where we ended up. If you do this with enough gusto, and ignore enough of the details, you can only conclude that we must have missed some huge boat if we are still reading core dumps, or splunk logs, or single stepping through code in the terminal, or whatever we do these days.

But, I think if you dig into the details of the tools that are available these days, instead of just staring that their abstracted exterior structure, you have to conclude that we have made a lot of progress even if it is “only” linear.

I have a few recent examples of people working in the details to make things better:

  • Pandoc - This is a truly useful tool and arguably the most useful thing to come out of the whole Haskell universe. Among other things this engine generates the HTML that you are reading now with relatively little fuss. And, it’s flexible enough to let me put in some of my own bibs and bobs in a way that isn’t too much more difficult than in, say, Python. While you might say that file format conversion is not exactly new technology this particular packaging of the idea along with the tricks that you can get from higher order functional nature of Haskell makes the tool much more useful than it otherwise might be.

  • Pernosco - Debuggers suck. They make you reason about what your giant system is doing by staring at them through a tiny peephole at particular moments in time, and then making a lot of guesses. Pernosco captures everything about an entire execution of your program and lets you look at all of it at once. This is not just a tool that lets you debug forward and backward in time. It’s more like a tool that lets you see all of time at once, and query it like a database.

  • Github static analysis - A buddy of mine just deployed a giant system at github that lets you do semantic navigation of code in the github browser interface. That’s scaling the compiler up to gigantic proportions. Read about it here.

  • Cell phone cameras - This is not a programming tool, but has to be listed here. I don’t know what deal these people made with the devil, but the laughing in the face of physics in the name of better image capture marches on. These cameras were impossible five years ago. They are even more so now.

If I can find these new and pretty cool things off the top of my head in 5 minutes I’m pretty sure many more exist. No, they are not some exponentially powerful hammer that will do away with the need to really understand things and do good work writing code. But that was never going to happen anyway.2

The whiners will always find some system from 30 years ago that has the same shape as whatever you show them but doesn’t really solve the same problem, or doesn’t solve it as well, or doesn’t solve it for as many people. They are missing the whole picture, which is what makes them whiners.

It turns out that while the pessimists and the optimists disagree with one another they are both making the same mistake when forming their opposing views: they are ignoring the details when thinking about software.


  1. It’s hard to read some of the programming environment literature from the 80s, especially from Xerox PARC, and not be a bit wistful when realizing that all of that stuff existed, and it’s the UNIX model that won.↩︎

  2. I know I get tedious about this, but Brooks really was right about No Silver Bullet.↩︎